Tuesday, March 13, 2012

1 month check up

Kenadie had her 1 month check up today.  This last month has been amazing and we are so lucky to have such a happy, healthy baby!!



  • Weight 8lbs 14.5 oz - 33% percentile
  • Length 22in- 82% percentile
  • Head Circumference 22in- 58th% percentile

She is able to lift her head and rolled over for the first time at the doctors office today. Now if we could only get her to sleep through the night!!!!

Here are some pictures from the past month

 Snuggling with Dad

She loves bath time. I think she is going to be a water baby like her momma!!

Already able to grab and hold her toys! She also likes to grab the bill of Dads hat. So cute!

Tummy time

Reading her book

Sleeping with momma